Aktivierung zusätzlicher MediaNav-Funktionen (Integration BIC/MIU)

[QUOTE = "Andorin0875, post: 868212, member: 59658"]
Good evening everyone,

I am currently in the process of connecting the multimedia control unit to the Dacia Logan MCV II. I was able to find the control unit 283466187R with software version 5.10 on eBay. Now I have connected all connections according to the instructions, but the Media Nav shows neither the temperature nor the values in the Eco2 picture.

I read that Script 14 must be activated on some control units. Unfortunately I have not found any correct information how to activate this script. DDT4ALL and ELM327 adapter were still keywords I found on this topic.

That degenerates quite nicely :)

Is there someone here in the forum who has the necessary equipment and could activate this script for me?

Thanks and best regards


Good morning, I suggest to read some posts on this Dacia Klub Poland forum, Dymek and me already did on our Steppy what you need for your Logan, good luck.

DACIA Club Polska :: Zobacz temat - Termometr i funkcja ECO w MediaNav

P.S. = Sorry for moderator but I'm not so much able to explain about technical topics, hope to be of any help this way too.
Ich habe es mal durch das Google Übersetzungsprogramm gejagt:

übersetzung englisch deutsch - Google Suche
[QUOTE = "Andorin0875, Post: 868212, Mitglied: 59658"]
Guten Abend alle zusammen,

Ich bin gerade dabei, die Multimedia-Steuereinheit an den Dacia Logan MCV II anzuschließen. Ich konnte das Steuergerät 283466187R mit Softwareversion 5.10 bei eBay finden. Jetzt habe ich alle Anschlüsse gemäß den Anweisungen angeschlossen, aber das Media Nav zeigt weder die Temperatur noch die Werte im Eco2-Bild an.

Ich habe gelesen, dass Skript 14 auf einigen Steuergeräten aktiviert sein muss. Leider habe ich keine korrekten Informationen zum Aktivieren dieses Skripts gefunden. DDT4ALL- und ELM327-Adapter waren immer noch Schlüsselwörter, die ich zu diesem Thema gefunden habe.

Das degeneriert ganz schön :)

Gibt es hier im Forum jemanden, der die notwendige Ausrüstung hat und dieses Skript für mich aktivieren könnte?

Danke und viele Grüße


Guten Morgen, ich schlage vor, einige Beiträge in diesem Dacia Klub Poland Forum zu lesen. Dymek und ich haben bereits auf unserer Steppy getan, was Sie für Ihren Logan brauchen. Viel Glück.

DACIA Club Polska :: Zobacz temat - Termometr i funkcja ECO w MediaNav

P.S. = Entschuldigung für den Moderator, aber ich kann nicht so viel über technische Themen erklären, hoffe, auch auf diese Weise hilfreich zu sein.
Good morning, I suggest to read some posts on this Dacia Klub Poland forum, Dymek and me already did on our Steppy what you need for your Logan, good luck.

DACIA Club Polska :: Zobacz temat - Termometr i funkcja ECO w MediaNav

P.S. = Sorry for moderator but I'm not so much able to explain about technical topics, hope to be of any help this way too.

Ciao Effesse72,

Thank you for this link of the polish Dacia forum. It was very interesting to read, that your posts has been answered
alway in english language :)

It seems, that I need also to buy the ELM327, modify the connections and rewrite the BIC.

You mentioned, that after connecting PIN 2 with +12V the MNE showed already some informations with the original
script of your BIC. Is this really necessary, as this has not been mentioned in the other descriptions for the outside temperature modification?

I am thinking about connecting the BIC to the dtt4all software only by using the ELM327 interface. Did you tried that as well or did you connect only by using the original OBD port in the car with the interface in between?

Thanks and best regards


P.S.: Da vermutlich nicht jede/jeder der englischen Sparach mächtig ist, fasse ich kurz zusammen was ich geschrieben habe. Dann muss man nicht unbedingt den Google-Übersetzer bemühen:

Ich habe mich bei Effesse72 für den Link zum polnischen Forum bedankt. In den Posts dort habe ich festgestellt, das seine Posts meist in englisch beantwortet worden sind :)

In diesen Posts steht prinzipiell ähnliches, wie hier im Forum. Daraus habe ich entnommen, das ich das BIC umprogrammieren muss, so dass das Script 14 läuft. Dazu benötige ich dann das EML327-Interface um den PC mit demBIC verbinden zu können. Dazu muss ich dann auch das Kabel zum Verbinden anpassen.

Effesse72 hat an sein BIC +12V an Pin 2 angelegt, danach haben die Anzeigen teilweise funktioniert. Ich wollte nun wissen, ob das tatsächlich nötigt ist, dann in den Anleitungen hier steht davon nichts.

Ich überlege auch, das BIC über das ELM327-Interface direkt mit dem PC zu verbinden. ICh wollte dazu wissen, ob Effesse72 das auch probiert hat oder ob er das Interface direkt am OBD-Port des Autos angeschlossen hat, wenn das BIC dazwischen hängt.
[QUOTE = "Andorin0875, post: 868604, member: 59658"]
Ciao Effesse72,

Thank you for this link of the polish Dacia forum. It was very interesting to read, that your posts has been answered
alway in english language :)

It seems that I need also to buy the ELM327, modify the connections and rewrite the BIC.

You mentioned, that after connecting PIN 2 with + 12V the MNE showed already some information with the original
script of your BIC. Is this really necessary, as this has not been mentioned in the other descriptions for the outside temperature modification?

I am thinking about connecting the BIC to the dtt4all software only by using the ELM327 interface. Did you tried that as well or did you connect only by using the original OBD port in the car with the interface in between?

Thanks and best regards


PS: Since probably not everyone of the English Sparach is powerful, I briefly summarize what I have written. Then you don't necessarily have to use the Google translator:

I thanked Effesse72 for the link to the Polish forum. In the posts there I found that his posts were mostly answered in English:)

In principle, there is something similar in these posts as here in the forum. From this I have learned that I have to reprogram the BIC so that Script 14 runs. I then need the EML327 interface to connect the PC to the BIC. I have to adjust the cable to connect it.

Effesse72 has applied to its BIC + 12V at pin 2, after that the displays worked partially. I now wanted to know whether this is actually necessary, then there is nothing in the instructions here.

I am also considering connecting the BIC directly to the PC via the ELM327 interface. I wanted to know whether Effesse72 also tried it or whether he connected the interface directly to the OBD port of the car if the BIC was in between.


Ciao Andreas, I have never directly connected my BIC to the PC via the ELM327 interface. I connected the 6 classic wires between the BIC and the OBD2 port of my Sandero Stepway II (see attached image) and I left the possibility to connect pin 2 of the BIC to + 12Vcc of the OBD2 port to write the script 14; once the script 14 has been changed, the wire from pin 2 to + 12Vdc of the OBD2 port is no longer needed (in my opinion it is better to make a temporary jumper between pins 3 and 2 on the BIC). I hope I can help you and others with my posts. Cheers.


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Ciao Andreas, I have never directly connected my BIC to the PC via the ELM327 interface. I connected the 6 classic wires between the BIC and the OBD2 port of my Sandero Stepway II (see attached image) and I left the possibility to connect pin 2 of the BIC to + 12Vcc of the OBD2 port to write the script 14; once the script 14 has been changed, the wire from pin 2 to + 12Vdc of the OBD2 port is no longer needed (in my opinion it is better to make a temporary jumper between pins 3 and 2 on the BIC). I hope I can help you and others with my posts. Cheers.

Ciao Effesse72,

Thank you so much for this information. I have now ordered the ELM327 and need to wait for its arrival, before I can continue working on changing the script in the BIC.


Guten Morgen, wie hoch ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit das in meinem Sandero Stepway 2(07.2018) ein solches Bic verbaut ist?

boardcomputer Zeigt Außentemperatur an
Ok, noch ein Tipp für mich wo ich günstig eines herbekomme?

bzw was gibts zu beachten?
gibt es auch eine Möglichkeit beim MNE V2

Soviel ich weiss, (noch) nicht.
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